A Blog (of Sorts)


First Paper Published

Topology of Coronal Magnetic Fields: Extending the Magnetic Skeleton Using Null-like Points November 26, 2020

Perhaps a minor positive to come out 2020 has been that my first research paper (in collaboration with my former Ph.D. supervisor) has been published in the Springer journal Solar Physics (available here). In the paper, we provide a definition for a new feature in the topology of magnetic skeletons (the null-like point) and show how the inclusion of such a feature in topological models can highlight properties of the magnetic field that may otherwise be missed.


Hello World

Initial Commit, October 27, 2020

In the spirit of running before I can walk, I've decided I need a web presence on GitHub pages. I've also decided that I need (read want) a blog as part of this. However, I haven't actually figured out how I want said blog to look in terms of page formatting. Posting before I've figured all that out might not be the best idea, but if nothing else I can procrastinate and add content to my (unformatted) blog.